(some of the older links are broken and I still need to update them)
“How to Knit Your Data Mesh on Snowflake“, Snowflake white paper, October 2022.
Matthias Nicola: “The need for speed – how to move your data from ground to cloud“, Article on the IDUG Content Blog, December 2017.
Manfred Päßler, Matthias Nicola: “DB2 10.5 mit BLU Acceleration: Optimiert für komplexe analytische Anfragen“,Datenbank Spektrum, Vol. 14, No.1, pages 42-47, 2014. (in German)
Naresh Chainani, Weilin Lu, Alexandria Burkleaux, Matthias Nicola: “DB2 with BLU Acceleration: A Rapid Adoption Guide“, IBM developerWorks, September 2013.
Matthias Nicola: “Best Practices for Temporal Data Management in DB2“, IBM Best Practices, April 2013.
Matthias Nicola, Martin Sommerlandt: “Managing time in DB2 with temporal consistency: How to enforce time-based referential integrity“, IBM developerWorks, July 2012.
Paul Zikopoulos, Walid Rjaibi, George Baklarz, Matt Huras, Matthias Nicola, Dale McInnis, Leon Katsnelson: “Warp Speed, Time Travel, Big Data, and more: DB2 10 for Linux, Unix and Window new Features”, Book (240 pages), McGraw-Hill, ISBN 978-0-07-180296-3, May 2012.
Matthias Nicola: “Improving data quality for exceptional business accuracy and compliance: temporal data management with ibm db2 time travel query“, IBM, April 2012. Also in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.
Cindy Saracco, Matthias Nicola, Lenisha Gandhi: “A Matter of Time: Temporal Data Management in DB2 10“, (describes DB2 LUW and DB2 for z/OS), IBM developerWorks, April 2012. Also in Chinese.
Susan Malaika, Matthias Nicola: “Data Normalization Reconsidered, Part 2: Business records in the 21st century“, IBM developerWorks, January 2012. Also in Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese.
Susan Malaika, Matthias Nicola: “Data Normalization Reconsidered, Part 1: The history of business records“, IBM developerWorks, December 2011.
Gerd Anders, Matthias Nicola: “Managing the Protein Data Bank with DB2 pureXML“, IBM developerWorks, September 2011.
Dorit Nuzman, David Maze, Victor Kaplansky, Sergei Dyshel, Matthias Nicola, Glenn Marcy: “Case Studies in Hardware XPath Acceleration”, 4th International Systems and Storage Conference (SYSTOR), May 2011.
Matthias Nicola, Kim Sherrill: “Best Practices for the SAS Scoring Accelerator for DB2“, SAS Global Forum, April 2011.
Cindy Saracco, Matthias Nicola, Lenisha Gandhi: “A Matter of Time: Temporal Data Management in DB2 for z/OS“, November 2010.
Marcus Paradies, Susan Malaika, Matthias Nicola, Kevin Xie: “Comparing XML Processing Performance in Middleware and Database: A Case Study“, 11th Intl. ACM Middleware Conference, Middleware 2010, November 2010.
Matthias Nicola: “Lessons Learned from DB2 pureXML Applications: A Practitioner’s Perspective”, 6th International XML Database Symposium (XSym 2010), September 2010.
Michael J. Carey, Ling Ling, Matthias Nicola, Lin Shao: “EXRT: Towards a Simple Benchmark for XML Readiness Testing”, 2nd TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation & Benchmarking, TPCTC 2010.
Matthias Nicola, Tim Kiefer: “Generating SQL/XML Query and Update Statements“, 18th Intl. Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2009, November 2009.
Matthias Nicola: “Customizing XML Storage in DB2“, IBM Data Management Magazine, Issue 3, October 2009. (HTML Version)
Matthias Nicola, Pav Kumar-Chatterjee: “DB2 pureXML Cookbook“, IBM Press, ISBN 9780138150471, 792 pages, 1st Edition, August 2009.
Cindy Sarcco, Matthias Nicola: “Enhance business insight and scalability of XML data with new DB2 V9.7 pureXML features“, IBM developerWorks, April 2009.
Agustin Gonzalez, Matthias Nicola: “Taming a Terabyte of XML Data“, IBM Database Magazine, Issue 1, 2009.
Henrik Loeser, Matthias Nicola, Jana Fitzgerald: “Index Challenges in Native XML Database Systems”, 13th Conference on Database Systems in Business, Technologie and Web (BTW), March 2009.
Matthias Nicola, Martin Sommerlandt: “Efficient case-insensitive search with DB2 pureXML“, IBM developerWorks, November 2008.
Matthias Nicola, Martin Sommerlandt, Kathy Zeidenstein: “From Text Analytics to Data Warehousing“, IBM developerWorks, April 2008.
Vijay Bommireddipalli, Matthias Nicola, and Tom Tortolani: “Business Intelligence: Large Volume Analytics for XML in DB2 9“, IBM Database Magazine, Issue 1, February 2008.
Matthias Nicola, Uttam Jain: “Updating XML in DB2 9.5“, IBM developerWorks, October 2007.
Matthias Nicola, Vitor Rodrigues: “XMLTABLE by Example” (Part1, Part2). IBM developerWorks, September 2007.
Matthias Nicola, Irina Kogan, Berni Schiefer: “An XML Transaction Processing Benchmark“, ACM SIGMOD Conference 2007.
Tom Tortolani, Vijay Bommireddipalli, Matthias Nicola: “Large Volume Business Analytics for XML Data“, September 2007.
Matthias Nicola, Vitor Rodrigues: “A Performance Comparison of DB2 9 pureXML with CLOB and Shredded XML Storage“, IBM developerWorks, December, 2006. (Also in Japanese, Chinese)
Matthias Nicola: “Exploit XML Indexes for XML Query Performance in DB2 9“, IBM developerWorks, November 2006. (Also in Japanese, Chinese)
Andrey Balmin, Kevin Beyer, Fatma Özcan, Matthias Nicola: “On the Path to Efficient XML Queries“, 32nd International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB’2006, Seoul, Korea, Sept 2006.
Matthias Nicola: “15 Best Practices for pureXML Performance in DB2 9“, IBM developerWorks, October 2006. (Also in Japanese, Chinese, Russian)
Irina Kogan, Matthias Nicola, Berni Schiefer: “DB2 9 XML Performance Characteristics“, IBM developerWorks, June 2006. (Also in Japanese, Chinese)
Matthias Nicola, Fatma Özcan: “pureXML in DB2 9: Which way to query your XML data?“, IBM developerWorks, June 2006. (Also available in Chinese.)
Manfred Päßler, Matthias Nicola: “Native XML-Unterstützung in DB2 Viper”, datenbank-spektrum, Vol. 6, No.17, pages 42-47, 2006. (in German)
K. Beyer, R. Cochrane, M. Hvizdos, V. Josifovski, J. Kleewein, G. Lapis, G. Lohman, R. Lyle, M. Nicola, F. Özcan, H. Pirahesh, N. Seemann, A. Singh, T. Truong, R. C. Van der Linden, B. Vickery, C. Zhang, G. Zhang: “DB2 goes hybrid: Integrating native XML and XQuery with relational data and SQL“, IBM Systems Journal, Vol. 45, No. 2, 2006.
Matthias Nicola, Bert van der Linden: “Native XML Support in DB2 Universal Database“, 31st International Conference on Very Large Databases, VLDB’2005, Trondheim, Norway, 2005.
Matthias Nicola, Jasmi John: “XML Parsing: A Threat to Database Performance“, 12th Intl. Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, CIKM 2003, New Orleans, November 2003.
Matthias Nicola, Haider Rizvi: “Storage Layout and I/O Performance in Data Warehouses“, 5th Intl. Workshop on Design and Management of Data Warehouses, DMDW’2003, Berlin, September 2003.
Matthias Nicola: “Storage Layout and I/O Performance Tuning for IBM Red Brick Data Warehouse“, IBM DB2 Developer Domain, Informix Zone, October 2002.
Matthias Nicola, M. Jarke: “Performance Modeling of Distributed and Replicated Databases“, Survey, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 645-672; July/August 2000.
Matthias Jarke, Matthias Nicola: “Telecommunication Databases: Applications and Performance Analysis”, VLDB Workshop on Databases in Telecommunication, September 1999, Edinburgh. (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1819, Springer, 2000).
Matthias Jarke, Matthias Nicola: “Analysis of wireless health care information systems in developing countries“, chapter 10 in: ‘Information Technology in Context – Studies from the Perspective of Developing Countries‘, Editors: C.Avgerou & G.Walsham, ISBN: 07546-14808, Ashgate Publishing, 2000.
Matthias Nicola: “Performance Evaluation of Distributed, Replicated, and Wireless Information Systems”, Doctoral Thesis, November 1999, ISSN 0935-3232.
R. Gallersdoerfer, M. Jarke, Matthias Nicola: “The ADR Replication Manager“, International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems (IJCS), Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 15-45, 1999.
Matthias Nicola, M.Jarke: “Increasing the Expressiveness of Analytical Performance Models for Replicated Databases“, International Conference on Database Theory, ICDT’99, Jerusalem, January 1999. (Abstract)
Matthias Nicola, M.Jarke: “Performance Modeling of Distributed and Replicated Databases“, (Survey), Technical Report AIB-98-10, RWTH Aachen.
Matthias Nicola, M.Jarke: “Design and Evaluation of Wireless Health Care Information Systems in Developing Countries”, Proceedings of the IFIP 9.4 Conference on Implementation and Evaluation of Information Systems in Developing Countries, February 1998. (Abstract)
Matthias Nicola, M.Jarke: “Communication Technologies for Health Care Information Systems in Developing Countries“, Proceedings of the BITWorld ’98 Conference, Delhi, February 1998.
Matthias Nicola, M.Jarke: “Integrating Replication and Communication in Database Performance Models”, Technical Report AIB-97-10, RWTH Aachen.
R. Gallersdoerfer, Matthias Nicola: “Improving Performance in Replicated Databases through Relaxed Coherency“, Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Very Large Databases, pp. 445-456, September 1995. (Abstract )
Matthias Nicola: “Analytical Performance Evaluation of Relaxed Coherency in Replicated Databases”, Diploma Thesis, RWTH Aachen, (in German), April 1995.